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Q. 1. Tropic of Cancer divides India into two parts; which country is divided by Tropic of Capricorn into two parts. 

Ans. Tropic of Capricorn divide Australia into two equal parts.

Q. 2. Which is the largest country with respect to area studied by you? What is its area in sq. km.

Ans. The largest country in respect to area is China. The area is 95,96,960 sq km.

 Q.3. Name a neighboring country of India which has the largest longitudinal extent. Mention the longitude of its western and eastern ends.

Ans. The neighboring country of India which has the largest longitudinal extent is China. The longitude of China is 74°E to 135°E.

Q. 4. With which country of India has the largest border. Mention the length of border with that country.

Ans. India has the largest border with Bangladesh. The length of the border of Bangladesh is 4,156 km. long international Border.

Q. 5. Name the country which occupies the entire continent by itself. What are its latitudinal and longitudinal extents?
Ans. India occupies the entire continent itself. India extends from 8°.4' north to 37° 6' north latitude and 68° 7' east to 97° 25' east longitude.

 Q. 6. India is neither a pigmy nor a giant among the nations of the worlds" discuss the Statement.
Ans. India is the vast country and is the seventh largest country of the world with respect to area. But there are six countries which are bigger than India. They are Russia (five and half times), Canada China and USA (about three times bigger than India). As against this India is 4 times bigger than Pakistan, 6 times bigger than France, 9 times bigger than Germany and 23 times bigger than Bangladesh. Thus we can say India is neither pigmy nor a giant among the nations of the world.

Q. 7. Name at least three countries which are India's immediate neighbors in the north?

Ans. India's immediate neighbors in the north are Bhutan, Nepal, China.

Q.8. Describe briefly the size and area of India.
Ans. India has an area of 3.2 million sq. km.
Q.9. Explain the size of India with respect to China.
Ans. The People's Republic of China is the third largest country in the world. It covers an area of 93 million sq. km. (9,326,410 sq. km) whereas India has an area of 3.2 million sq km (3,287.263 sq. km) and making it as the seventh largest country in the world.
Q. 10. Discuss the locational setting of India and compare it with that of China Or Australia.

Ans. India is the seventh largest country of the world. It extends from 6°45'N to 37°18'N of latitudes and 68°7′E to 97°25'E of longitudes. The southernmost point is at 6°45'N of latitudes in Andaman Nicobar Island and the northernmost mainland is Indira Col of 37° 18' N of latitude in Kashmir.

The Peoples Republic of China is the third largest country in the world. It extends from 18 to 54 north of latitudes 74° to 135° east of Longitudes. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of China is 7° latitudes and 32° longitudes more than that of India.
Q. 11. Which country is divided by tropic of Capricorn into two parts? latitudinal and longitudinal extent? 

Ans. Australia is divided by the Tropic of Capricorn into two parts.

Australia is the sixth largest country of the world. It is the only country in the world. which entirely lies in the Southern Hemisphere. The Latitudinal extent of Australia is 10° to 44 south of latitudes which is almost the same as that of India. Thus, its longitudinal extent is about 40° more than that of our country, which is extent from 114° to 154°E of Longitudes.

Q. 12. "India and Australia are located on the opposite sides of the equator" Illustrate.


the comparative extension of India with that of Australia. Ans. Australia is the sixth largest country of the world and it is more than double the size of India. The distance from north to south of Australia is about 3,219 km and India is about 3,241 km. The east to west extension of Australia is about one thousand kilometer more than that of India.

Q. 13. Name the neighbouring country of India that has the largest longitudinal extent. 

Ans. China has the longest longitudinal extent with India. It is extending from 75° to 97° of east longitudes.

Q. 14. What is the total area of India? Name the two highest peaks of the Himalayas. 

Ans. The total area is 3,287,263 sq. km. Mount Everest (8848 m) and Kangchenjunga (8598 m) are the two highest peaks of the Himalayas. 
Q. 15. What are the north south and the east-west length of India in km?

Ans. The north to south is 3,214 km and the east to west is 2,933 km in its total length. 

Q.16. Which is the Central Meridian of India? What is its importance? 

Ans. 82°30′ E is the Central Meridian of India, which passes through Allahabad, in Uttar Pradesh. The local time of this meridian is taken as 'the Indian Standard Time' (IST),which is 5 hour 30 mins ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

Q. 17. What is the total length of frontier shared by India to her neighboring countries? With which countries, India has longest and shortest border?

Ans. India shares her 15200 km long frontier with her neighboring countries. India's longest border is with Bangladesh (4096km) and shortest border is With Afghanistan (80 km)

Q. 18. The Indian Ocean is truly Indian Ocean - "Illustrate".

Ans. The mainland of India has about 6100 km long coastline. The peninsular India juts into the Indian Ocean for a distance of about 1600km and divides it into two parts - the western part as Arabian Sea and the eastern part as Bay of Bengal. Thus, no other country has such a long coastline on this ocean as India has. Therefore, the Indian Ocean is truly Indian Ocean.

19. State the latitudinal and longitudinal setting of India. Mention the significance of the location of India with respect to the Indian Ocean ream.

Ans. India lies entirely in the northern hemisphere. It extends from 6°45' to 37° 18' N of latitudes and 68°7' E to 97°25' E of longitudes. India, stands at the head of the Indian Ocean, has the most favorable geographical location among the littoral states. (Onshore states).

The three strategic significance of the India's location are: 

(a) Oceanic Trade and Commerce has placed India in a much better position the any other peninsular countries to control the Indian Ocean routes. 

(b) The principal entrecote of India is a highly profitable oceanic trade structure which attract the west and east countries of the world.

 (c) India's major contacts with outside world for the last two millennia have also made India as the title of "Mistress of the Eastern Seas"

Previous Years Question Chapter 1 : Locational Setting of India 

Compare the extent and area of china with India [2007]

China has a total land area of 95.97 lakh India has a total land area of 32.87 lakh sq. km. Thus, China is three times larger than India in terms of land area

Mention one similarities and dissimilarities between India and Australia with respect to their extent and area.[2008]

Similarity : As tropic of cancer divides India into two parts, tropic of Capricorn divides Australia into two parts. 

Difference : Longitudinal extent is from 68 ° 7 E to 97 ° 25E while that of Australia is 114 E to 154 E that is 40 °more than India

Give two reasons to explains why India is called a sub continent.[2018,2010,2014]

India is called a subcontinent because of its :

Vast size.

Diversity like : The Thar desert, The ice-covered lofty Himalayas in the north, Vast Indo-Gangetic plains to its south, The Deccan plateau, The high temperature and heavy rains of the tropical monsoon climate.

State the Latitudinal and Longitudinal Extent of India.[2016,2014]

India lies in the Northern Hemisphere. With respect to the latitudinal and longitudinal extent, India lies between latitudes 8° 4'N and 37° 6'N, and the longitudes 68° 7'E and 97° 25'E.

Mention the land area of India and Australia in Kilometers.[2015].

India: 32-87 Lakh sq. km /3287263/3-28 million sq. km.  Australia: 7686848 sq. km.

Although the time of Sunrise varies between Arunachal Pradesh and New Delhi , watches show the same times, Explain why? [2013]

The time of sunrise varies between Arunachal Pradesh and New Delhi by 72 minutes because it lies to the east with a difference of about 18° of longitude but the watches show the same time because all places in India follow the same time that is recorded in Allahabad (82.5 °E) which is the Indian Standard Time. This is done to avoid confusion in time in the entire country.

Name the country with which India shares the longest land boundary . Mention the length of the boundary in kilometers.[ 2013]

India shares land border of 4096.7 km with Bangladesh; it is the longest amongst all other neighboring countries.

India’s position in the Indian Ocean is paramount. Give two reason to justify the given statement 

Indian Ocean is the only ocean in the world which has been named after a country (India), this is the biggest proof of the prominence enjoyed by India in early days when oceans were given their names. liven today India’s position in the Indian Ocean is paramount as :

 (a) India stands at the head of the Indian Ocean at the very center of the Eastern Hemisphere commanding trade routes running in all directions.  

(b) India commands an important strategic position on the globe with respect to trade as well as social cultural interaction. Economically and culturally India had major contacts with outside world in the last two millennia via Indian Ocean, no other country has as a long a coast line on this ocean as India has.

 Name one country each which forms a frontier with India in the India:[2017]
North  =Nepal 
West  = Pakistan 

With reference to the extent of India, write the angular values of the points marked as (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the map given below : 2019 

(a) Western longitude 68° 7′ East.
(b) Standard Meridian 82° 30′ East.
(c) Eastern Longitude 97° 25′ East.
(d) Tropic of cancer 23° 30′ North.


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